Sentinel Snipe

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Sentinel Snipe

Post by kasimir »

This is a spell that uses Nurse's Purification to get the exact power needed to kill the target using explosions and provides infinite range using Greater Sentinels.

Can't demonstrate it sadly as my hardware is not good enough to be recording while playing Minecraft.
This is the first time I've actually used the mod and made my first Hex since discovering the mod at Blanketcon and I'd appreciate any feedback or helpful tips, thanks!

Code: Select all

  Mind's Reflection
  Compass Purification
  Summon Greater Sentinel

    Gemini Decomposition // (code?--)

    Locate Sentinel // (s pos)
    Mind's Reflection // (s pos, p)
    Alidade's Purification // (s pos, p rot)
    Dioscuri Gambit // (s pos, p rot, s pos, p rot)
    Scout's Distillation // (s pos, p rot, entity)

    Gemini Decomposition // (s pos, p rot, entity, entity)
    Augur's Purification // (s pos, p rot, entity, exists: bool)

    { // (s pos, p rot, entity)
      Gemini Decomposition // (entity, entity)
      Nurse's Purification // (entity, 20)
      Numerical Reflection: 1
      Subtractive Distillation // (entity, 19)
      Numerical Reflection: 7
      Division Distillation // (entity, 2.71)
      Ceiling Purification // (entity, 3)

      // Min
      Numerical Reflection: 1
      Dioscuri Gambit // (1, 3, 1, 3)
      Maximus Distillation // (1, 3, False)
      Rotation Gambit II // (False, 1, 3)
      Augur's Exaltation // (3)

      // Max
      Numerical Reflection: 10
      Dioscuri Gambit // (3, 10, 3, 10)
      Minimus Distillation // (3, 10, True)
      Rotation Gambit II // (True, 3, 10)
      Augur's Exaltation // (3)

      Huginn's Gambit // (entity)
      Compass' Purification II // (e pos)

      Numerical Reflection: 4
      Gemini Gambit // (e pos, e pos, e pos, e pos)

      Create Water // (e pos, e pos, e pos)
      Muninn's Reflection // (e pos, e pos, e pos, power)
      Explosion // (e, pos, e pos)

      Conjure Block
      Break Block
    } // if true, entity exists

    { // (s pos, p rot, entity)
      Novice's Gambit // (s pos, p rot)
      Numerical Reflection: 15
      Multiplicative Distillation // (s pos, mult rot)
      Additive Distillation // (new s pos)

      Summon Greater Sentinel // (code?--)
      Hermes' Gambit
    } // if false, null

    Augur's Exaltation // (...?, branch)
    Hermes' Gambit // (...?)

  Gemini Decomposition
  Hermes' Gambit
  Banish Sentinel
Here's a visual representation of the spell (modify Summon Greater Sentinel to your worlds version!!):
Mind's ReflectionCompass' PurificationeweeeqaqqwaeqqqawIntrospectionGemini DecompositionLocate SentinelMind's ReflectionAlidade's PurificationDioscuri GambitScout's DistillationGemini DecompositionAugur's PurificationIntrospectionGemini DecompositionaqwawqaNumerical Reflection: 1Subtractive DistillationNumerical Reflection: 7Division Dstl.Ceiling PurificationNumerical Reflection: 1Dioscuri GambitMaximus DistillationRotation Gambit IIAugur's ExaltationNumerical Reflection: 10Dioscuri GambitMinimus DistillationRotation Gambit IIAugur's ExaltationHuginn's GambitCompass' Purification IINumerical Reflection: 4Gemini GambitCreate WaterMuninn's ReflectionRevealExplosionConjure BlockBreak BlockRetrospectionIntrospectionaNumerical Reflection: 15Multiplicative Dstl.Additive DistillationeweeeqaqqwaeqqqawHermes' GambitRetrospectionAugur's ExaltationHermes' GambitRetrospectionGemini DecompositionHermes' GambitBanish Sentinel