Video demo
Use Locator's Scalpel to replace Reveal with the patterns you want to run, and optionally to change the initial wisp buffer from the default (50 dust). To summon the wisp, cast the completed hex while looking at the face of the observer.
Code: Select all
// if there's a wisp one block below, consume it
Gemini Decomposition
Compass' Purification
Vector Reflection -Y
Additive Distillation
Entity Purification: Wisp
Gemini Decomposition
Augur's Purification
// on null
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
// on non-null
Consume Wisp
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v- // remove filler iota
Speaker's Decomposition
Augur's Exaltation
Hermes' Gambit
// if we're low on media and haven't already triggered the circle, trigger it
Flock's Reflection
Numerical Reflection: 2 // iotas on stack: wisp and filler
Inequality Distillation
Reservoir Reflection
Numerical Reflection: 10 // refuel threshold
Minimus Distillation
Conjunction Distillation
// on false
Bookkeeper's Gambit: -
// on true
// push filler iota to signify we've triggered the circle
Nullary Reflection
Jester's Gambit
// trigger the circle
Gemini Decomposition
Compass' Purification
Gemini Decomposition
Conjure Block
Break Block
Speaker's Decomposition
Augur's Exaltation
Hermes' Gambit
// placeholder for rest of wisp patterns
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Mind's Reflection
Alidade's Purification
Dioscuri Gambit
Archer's Distillation
Rotation Gambit II
Architect's Distillation
Additive Distillation
Undertaker's Gambit // for binding the wisp
Numerical Reflection: 50 // initial wisp buffer
Summon Cyclic Wisp
// optional: bind the wisp for reduced media consumption
Entity Purification: Wisp
Bind Wisp
Build the circle with the empty impetus on the southeast corner so the fuel wisp is summoned in the correct location.
Code: Select all
Vacant Reflection
Greater Fold Reflection
Numerical Reflection: 100 // amount to refuel (keep in mind 10% losses + cost to conjure/break)
Summon Cyclic Wisp