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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:00 pm


Post by ClockworkVulpine »

A Greater Teleport spell that utilises MoreIotas' string patterns.
Specifically, it takes coordinates sent in chat in the form of x,y,z and teleports the player to the given location!

Code: Select all

	    Input Purification
	Whisper Reflection
	Comma Reflection
	Separation Distillation
	Thoth's Gambit
	Mind's Reflection
	Jester's Gambit
	Flock's Disintegration
	Vector Exaltation
	Mind's Reflection
	Compass' Purification II
	Numerical Reflection -1
	Multiplicative Distillation
	Additive Distillation
	Greater Teleport
Swap out Comma Reflection with a different string to get a different separator for the coordinates. It's small enough to be written to a spellbook or focus using a single screen without using a lens.
While it may not be overly complex, it's quite powerful as long as you keep your inventory organized ;)
drew hexxy once and is yet to recover