Hexxy Sort

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[object Object]
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Hexxy Sort

Post by [object Object] »

This hex implements merge sort, based on the pseudocode on that page for a top-down implementation using lists.

Meta-eval usage:
  • 1 at the start.
  • 1 for each pair of recursive calls - ie. the merge_sort(left) and merge_sort(right) are executed in the same eval.
  • 1 for each iteration of the while loop in merge(left, right).
qqqqeewdweddwaawddqqqawqqqaadadaawaqaeaqNumerical Reflection: 1eqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1aadaaaqaeaqddqaaNumerical Reflection: 2wdedwewqddqaaaaeddNumerical Reflection: 0aaeaaqaeaqwdedNumerical Reflection: 101qaawddeqaeaqwdedeeeaaeaaddqaaqaeaqqqqaawddaaeaaeeeqaeaqaawddqaeaqqqqawqqqaaeaaaadadaawddeweddeqqwawqaawqaeaqqqqawqqqqwaeawqaeaqaewdqdweBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1qeewdweddwaaqwqaaaadadaawawaawddawwdwaadaaqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1Bookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 2, Keep 1eeeqwaeawqawdddeaqqqqqdaqdeeeeeqwaeawqawdddeaqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1aaqwqaaaaeaaaaqwqaaaaeaaaadadaaweqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1aawddeeeqwaeawqaaeaaNumerical Reflection: 436Numerical Reflection: 346awddqaawddeddeweddaawdddeaqqddeweddeqqwawqaawBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1qqqaweeeaawdddadadqeewdweddwaaqwqaaqaeaqqaeaqqqqaweeeqaeaqaaqwqaaawdddeaqqqqqaweeeddqaadeaqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1, Keep 1aawddeqqwawqaaweee

Code: Select all

// list -> list
    Muninn's Reflection
    Jester's Gambit

    Consideration: {
        Dioscuri Gambit
        Abacus Purification
        Numerical Reflection: 1
        Maximus Distillation

        // split
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: - // base case (no-op)
            Gemini Decomposition
            Abacus Purification
            Undertaker's Gambit
            Numerical Reflection: 2
            Division Distillation
            Floor Purification
            Undertaker's Gambit
            Prospector's Gambit
            Numerical Reflection: 0
            Rotation Gambit
            Selection Exaltation
            Numerical Reflection: 101
            Swindler's Gambit
            Selection Exaltation
        Rotation Gambit
        Undertaker's Gambit
        Combination Distillation

            Jester's Gambit
            Rotation Gambit
        Combination Distillation
        Jester's Gambit
        Combination Distillation
        // merge
        Consideration: {
            Rotation Gambit

            Dioscuri Gambit
            Speaker's Distillation
            Huginn's Gambit
            Combination Distillation
            Consideration: {
                Flock's Reflection
                Flock's Gambit
                Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
                Muninn's Reflection
                Speaker's Decomposition

                // if left is empty or right is empty: break

                Dioscuri Gambit
                Augur's Purification
                Jester's Gambit
                Augur's Purification
                Conjunction Distillation
                Gemini Decomposition
                    Bookkeeper's Gambit: -
                    Bookkeeper's Gambit: vv-
                Flock's Disintegration
                Augur's Exaltation
                Hermes' Gambit
                    Nullary Reflection
                    Charon's Gambit
                Flock's Disintegration
                Augur's Exaltation
                Hermes' Gambit
                Bookkeeper's Gambit: v

                // check the first item of both lists, and move the smaller one to the output, in the most cursed way possible

                Speaker's Decomposition
                Rotation Gambit
                Speaker's Decomposition
                Rotation Gambit
                Dioscuri Gambit
                Maximus Distillation
                    Bookkeeper's Gambit: -
                    Jester's Gambit
                Flock's Disintegration
                Rotation Gambit
                Numerical Reflection: 436 <aqaaeawaeaaqqa>
                Numerical Reflection: 346 <aqaaeeaaqwawa>
                Augur's Exaltation
                Swindler's Gambit
                Speaker's Distillation
                Jester's Gambit
                Hermes' Gambit

                Speaker's Distillation
                Huginn's Gambit
                Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
            Consideration: }
            Jester's Gambit
            Thoth's Gambit
            Muninn's Reflection
            Speaker's Decomposition
            Combination Distillation
            Combination Distillation
        Consideration: }
        Combination Distillation
        Speaker's Decomposition
        Augur's Exaltation
        Hermes' Gambit
    Consideration: }
    Undertaker's Gambit
    Hermes' Gambit

    Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-
    Jester's Gambit
    Huginn's Gambit