Waypoint Teleportation Circle

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Waypoint Teleportation Circle

Post by beholderface »

This hex, designed to be used in a circle, teleports you to one out of a list of coordinate sets stored in a central akashic record.
It iterates through the list of vectors from the central record (it uses regular thoth rather than loop unrolling, so be mindful of recursion depth if you have a list of hundreds of vectors for some reason), compares your look vector to the vector leading from your position to the waypoint, and feeds GTP the vector which your look vector is most closely aligned with.
If it thinks you're trying to teleport to a waypoint out of GTP's range, it will feed GTP [0,0,0] instead of trying to send you there, preventing your inventory from being yeeted for no reason.
If your look vector is equally close to every waypoint (such as if you're looking straight up and every waypoint is on the level of your eyes), it will send you to whatever the last on in the list is.
This is designed to be used with a network of these circles, to achieve something like what you can do with the Waystones mod. Any minimap mod that can display its waypoints in-world from long distances is invaluable for determining where to look.

The circle design I use:

Code: Select all

lesser fold reflection
greater fold reflection
addition distillation
number reflection: 2
division distillation
vector reflection 0 (this is just the key for the library storing the main hex)
akasha's distillation
hermes' gambit
The library keyed to the vector reflection stores the main hex, and the one keyed to the pattern for Blink stores the coordinates to the central record.

The main hex:

Code: Select all

  Mind's Reflection
  Compass' Purification
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Gemini Decomposition
  Flock's Gambit
  Huginn's Gambit
    Gemini Decomposition
    Mind's Reflection
    Compass' Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Gemini Decomposition
    Length Purification
    Division Distillation
    Mind's Reflection
    Alidade's Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Length Purification
    Gemini Decomposition
    Rotation Gambit II
    Numerical Reflection: 2
    Flock's Gambit
    Jester's Gambit
    Muninn's Reflection
    Flock's Disintegration
    Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-
    Maximus Distillation
    Muninn's Reflection
    Rotation Gambit
    Augur's Exaltation
    Huginn's Gambit
  Lesser Fold Reflection
  Greater Fold Reflection
  Additive Distillation
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Division Distillation
  Blink (this is just the key for the library storing the central record's position)
  Akasha's Distillation
  Vector Reflection Zero (the key to the central record)
  Akasha's Distillation
  Thoth's Gambit
  Muninn's Reflection
  Flock's Disintegration
  Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
  Mind's Reflection
  Compass' Purification
  Subtractive Distillation
  Mind's Reflection
  Jester's Gambit
  Gemini Decomposition
  Length Purification
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Numerical Reflection: 15
  Power Distillation
  Maximus Distillation
  Vector Reflection Zero
  Rotation Gambit
  Augur's Exaltation
  Greater Teleport
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Re: Waypoint Teleportation Circle

Post by beholderface »

A new version that combines this with my hex that uses a wisp to stop items ejected by GTP from getting away from you:

Code: Select all

Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Numerical Reflection: 2
Gemini Decomposition
Flock's Gambit
Huginn's Gambit
    Gemini Decomposition
    Mind's Reflection
    Compass' Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Gemini Decomposition
    Length Purification
    Division Distillation
    Mind's Reflection
    Alidade's Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Length Purification
    Gemini Decomposition
    Rotation Gambit II
    Numerical Reflection: 2
    Flock's Gambit
    Jester's Gambit
    Muninn's Reflection
    Flock's Disintegration
    Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-
    Maximus Distillation
    Muninn's Reflection
    Rotation Gambit
    Augur's Exaltation
    Huginn's Gambit
Lesser Fold Reflection
Greater Fold Reflection
Additive Distillation
Numerical Reflection: 2
Division Distillation
Consideration: Blink
Akasha's Distillation
Consideration: Vector Reflection Zero
Akasha's Distillation
Thoth's Gambit
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
//if you're modifying a pattern list for the original version rather than writing this one from scratch, these next two lines I've added are the only difference until after GTP.
Gemini Decomposition
Huginn's Gambit
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Subtractive Distillation
Mind's Reflection
Jester's Gambit
Gemini Decomposition
Length Purification
Numerical Reflection: 2
Numerical Reflection: 15
Power Distillation
Maximus Distillation //so I originally wrote minimus here in vscode, as a mistake, but I accidentally drew maximus during testing so I didn't catch it
Vector Reflection Zero
Rotation Gambit
Augur's Exaltation
Greater Teleport
  Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
      Gemini Decomposition
      Pace Purification
      Numerical Reflection: -1
      Multiplicative Distillation
  Mind's Reflection
  Compass' Purification
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Zone Distillation: Item
  Thoth's Gambit
  Identity Reflection
  Consume Wisp
Waystone Reflection
Gemini Decomposition
Rotation Gambit II
Numerical Reflection: 5
Summon Cyclic Wisp
Entity Purification: Wisp
Muninn's Reflection
Prospector's Gambit
Compass' Purification
Subtractive Distillation
Greater Teleport
Costs a little more than double the media of the base version since it has to GTP the wisp too due to ambit. Could get around this by using a cleric impetus, but it relies on Mind's Reflection in several places, necessitating more work to make it function for more than one player.

The wisp-protected GTP hex on its own (it reads from a focus in your other hand to choose destination):

Code: Select all

Mind's Reflection
Scribe's Reflection
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Subtractive Distillation
Greater Teleport
  Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
      Gemini Decomposition
      Pace Purification
      Numerical Reflection: -1
      Multiplicative Distillation
  Mind's Reflection
  Compass' Purification
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Zone Distillation: Item
  Thoth's Gambit
  Identity Reflection
  Consume Wisp
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Numerical Reflection: 5
Summon Cyclic Wisp
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Re: Waypoint Teleportation Circle

Post by beholderface »

And now a version designed to be cast from a trinket (it does work by hand, but you need to swap the item in your other hand before Hermes-ing)
With this one, you need to be holding a focus with the coordinates of your central record.
The wisp-protected version does not have the nearly-double cost like the circle requires, since ambit isn't an issue here.
If you tried to use the version in my previous post in this thread, please note that it had a minimus distillation where there should have been a maximus, due to two mistakes I made cancelling each other out. This has now been corrected.

Code: Select all

Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Numerical Reflection: 2
Gemini Decomposition
Flock's Gambit
Huginn's Gambit
    Gemini Decomposition
    Mind's Reflection
    Compass' Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Gemini Decomposition
    Length Purification
    Division Distillation
    Mind's Reflection
    Alidade's Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Length Purification
    Gemini Decomposition
    Rotation Gambit II
    Numerical Reflection: 2
    Flock's Gambit
    Jester's Gambit
    Muninn's Reflection
    Flock's Disintegration
    Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-
    Maximus Distillation
    Muninn's Reflection
    Rotation Gambit
    Augur's Exaltation
    Huginn's Gambit
Scribe's Reflection
Consideration: Vector Reflection Zero
Akasha's Distillation
Thoth's Gambit
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
//these next two lines can be omitted if you're not using hexal, but they won't affect the hex's functionality if you leave them in
Gemini Decomposition
Huginn's Gambit
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Subtractive Distillation
Mind's Reflection
Jester's Gambit
Gemini Decomposition
Length Purification
Numerical Reflection: 2
Numerical Reflection: 15
Power Distillation
Maximus Distillation
Vector Reflection Zero
Rotation Gambit
Augur's Exaltation
Greater Teleport
//omit all further lines for the hexal-less version that doesn't protect your items
  Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
      Gemini Decomposition
      Pace Purification
      Numerical Reflection: -1
      Multiplicative Distillation
  Mind's Reflection
  Compass' Purification
  Numerical Reflection: 2
  Zone Distillation: Item
  Thoth's Gambit
  Identity Reflection
  Consume Wisp
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Gemini Decomposition
Rotation Gambit II
Numerical Reflection: 5
Summon Cyclic Wisp