Surveyor's Gambit
vector, vector, number → vector, vector | null
Arguments: position, direction, approximate range
Returns: block position, block face or null
Code: Select all
#define Surveyor's Gambit (EAST wqaawddeeddwaa) = vector, vector, number -> vector, vector | null
{ // pos, dir, acc
Huginn's Gambit // pos, dir (acc)
Jester's Gambit // dir, pos
Summon Greater Sentinel // dir
{ // *[pattern], dir, JUMP
Locate Sentinel // dir, JUMP, pos
Rotation Gambit // JUMP, pos, dir
Dioscuri Gambit // JUMP, pos, dir, pos, dir
Archer's Distillation // JUMP, pos, dir, pos?
Gemini Decomposition // JUMP, pos, dir, pos?, pos?
Augur's Purification // JUMP, pos, dir, pos?, bool
{ // JUMP, pos, dir, pos
Rotation Gambit II // JUMP, pos, pos, dir
Architect's Distillation // JUMP, pos, face
Rotation Gambit // pos, face, JUMP
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v---
Hermes' Gambit
Vacant Reflection
Augur's Exaltation // JUMP, pos, dir, pos?, [pattern]
Hermes' Gambit // JUMP, pos, dir, null
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v // JUMP, pos, dir
Undertaker's Gambit // JUMP, dir, pos, dir
Numerical Reflection: 15 // JUMP, dir, pos, dir, 15
Multiplicative Distillation // JUMP, dir, pos, vec
Gemini Decomposition // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, vec
Length Purification // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, len
Muninn's Reflection // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, len, acc
Jester's Gambit // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc, len
Subtractive Distillation // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc
Gemini Decomposition // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc, acc
Numerical Reflection: 0 // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc, acc, 0
Minimus Distillation // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc, bool
{ // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc
Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-vvvv // JUMP
Nullary Reflection // JUMP, null
Jester's Gambit // null, JUMP
Hermes' Gambit
Vacant Reflection
Augur's Exaltation // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc, [pattern]
Hermes' Gambit // JUMP, dir, pos, vec, acc
Huginn's Gambit // JUMP, dir, pos, vec (acc)
Additive Distillation // JUMP, dir, pos
Summon Greater Sentinel // JUMP, dir
Jester's Gambit // *[pattern], dir, JUMP
Numerical Reflection: 2 // [pattern], dir, JUMP, 2
Fisherman's Gambit II // [pattern], dir, JUMP, [pattern]
Hermes' Gambit
} // dir, [pattern]
Undertaker's Gambit // [pattern], dir, [pattern]
Iris's Gambit // vector, vector | null
Edit: Huge thanks to Robotgiggle!
Also, there has to be a way to automatically generate those fancy pattern lists, right? I'm blind and couldn't find it and I really do not want to enter all those pattern codes by hand. If there is, I'll edit the pretty patterns in.