Don't Compress Knitting Needle

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Don't Compress Knitting Needle

Post by Snazz »

Humans are not meant to enter the realm of god, lest they forfeit their mortal coil.

Reducing the patterns for Knitting Needle has been quite the journey.

Did you know that you can use fractional numbers with selection distillation? Apparently defined behavior

Underscore Needle (19 patterns)
[sneak spell], [standing spell] -> [spell]
qqqNumerical Reflection: 2ewdqdweqqqqqqeeeqaqawqNumerical Reflection: 3.5wdedwdeeeddeaqqeeeaaqwqaaadeeedddqddqaeaqqaeaqeee

Code: Select all

// under score needle
    Numerical Reflection: 2
    Flock's Gambit
        Mind's Reflection
        Stadiometer's Purification
        Numerical Reflection: 3.5
        Division Distillation
        Selection Distillation
        Hermes' Gambit
    Speaker's Decomposition
    Single's Purification
    Rotation Gambit II
    Combination Distillation
    Combination Distillation
This is pretty optimal, and I had many attempts also result in 19 patterns, but it can be shorter!
Since we want to put the spells on the stack into a spell list at certain positions, we can put all the patterns on the stack, swindle it to get the desired positions, then turn it into a list.

I wrote a program to find all possible swindles that I could use. The constraints were pretty loose as I could switch around the locations of the pattern iotas pretty easilly, so I ended up with about 20,000 possible number values I could use for swindler's gambit.

I wanted to find the smallest one to draw on the hex grid, so I downloaded Aly's 17GB database of number constants through discord (Cursed) (took several hours to set up). Then I was finally able to search it for the smallest pattern.

Next, I found the initial starting conditions required to produce the order I want (a brain scrambling task, I had to do this 4 times due to messing up previous steps)
and finally, I put together the spell:

Mad God's Needle (17 patterns)
[sneak spell], [standing spell] -> [spell]
qqqqqqqqqwdedwawqqaqeeedeeedNumerical Reflection: 3.5deaqqeeeqwaeawqNumerical Reflection: 728196qaawddeNumerical Reflection: 10ewdqdweeee

Code: Select all

// mad god's needle
        Division Distillation
        Stadiometer's Purification
        Mind's Reflection
        Selection Distillation
        Numerical Reflection: 3.5
        Hermes' Gambit
    Flock's Disintegration
    Numerical Reflection: 728196
    Swindler's Gambit
    Numerical Reflection: 10
    Flock's Gambit