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How to care for your Blahaj or other stuffed animals

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:18 am
by petrakat
Hello, today on the discord server we were chatting about how
  1. A great number of us seem to own Blahajs
  2. A great number of them are pretty deflated.

I was asked to pin a guide I found online but I figured it's more egalitarian or something to make a forum post about it.

Here's the link I found: ... ed-animal/

although a quick Google search will return many results.

I think I also remember there being a post somewhere on the r/blahaj subreddit about how to restuff a Blahaj but I can't find it.

Anyways if you have more information or tips please post! I'm planning on restuffing Shy at some point soon so I'll try to remember and post about if and when I do.

Re: How to care for your Blahaj or other stuffed animals

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:21 am
by petrakat
Ah, found it. ... %C3%A5haj/
Either shimmy it by cupping the stuffing up back into the fin that is being affected or do a rechonkening.

If you’ve ever turned a sock inside out then that is how it will feel getting the stuffing back in, avoid over stuffing else the body may deflate!

For rechonking best bet would be to use a side fin seam, gently find the thread and snip one section at a time until it opens, then stuff the limbs minus the fin you are operating on. Then add the desired amout of chonk before stuffing the opperated on fin, close back up the shark by threading over the broken seam, start slightly before the break then slightly after.
Solid operational guidance.

My prefered primary incision site is the underbelly where the white meets blue, i make a two inch opening with a seam cutter on the white side (easier to colour match your thread/sutures to white than trying to match the blå) .

i restuff with toy stuffing from hobbycraft(uk) then seal with a ladder stitch.

You can take the opportunity to wash your haj after taking the old stuffing out and before adding the new as they will dry quicker "empty".

Protip: wash haj at 30°c in a pillow case to avoid injuring them.❤️🦈