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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:31 pm
by beholderface
A hex that mimics the functionality of the Pickarang from Quark. Requires Hexal.
Fires a projectile wisp which either breaks the block it hit or produces a safe explosion at the feet of the entity it hit, and then summons a cyclic wisp which returns to you and disappears. If the initial projectile hit a block, the cyclic wisp will drag any items it dropped along with it on its way back to you.
While it has very long range when returning single itemstacks, the wisp will of course consume media proportional to how many itemstacks it must carry, such that breaking a full chest only has an effective range of several blocks before the wisp will disappear and release its items. This can be mitigated by summoning the initial projectile wisp with more media, but I've chosen not to increase the number beyond 50 dust since this is already an impractically expensive vanity hex in most situations.

Demonstration video.
qqqaadaaawdqqqqqawdadqqqaadaaaadaaNumerical Reflection: 2qqqqqwdeddwwaawddqaqqqqqaawddNumerical Reflection: 2qqqqqwdeddwwdwaeaqaqqqaadaaaaqaqaawddwwqaqwNumerical Reflection: 0.25eqqqqaqaaawqwawqaweeeqqqqqqqqewNumerical Reflection: 10waqawawqqqwaqweeeawdddeaqqqqqaadaaaaaaeaaaaaawddwddwNumerical Reflection: 6wdedwawqqqwaqweeeqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1eeeqwaeawqdddeweddaweaqaNumerical Reflection: 0edqdewaqadadadBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1eeeaadaaqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1eeeqwaeawqdedqdeaaeaawqaeaqwaawddaaaqaweewaqaweedwNumerical Reflection: 3wddwaqaweewaqaweeeeeqqqddNumerical Reflection: 5aadaadaaqaqqqqqaqawqadaqNumerical Reflection: 5aawaawaaqqaqaqqqqqqqqaadaaaaqaqaawddwwqaqwNumerical Reflection: 0.25eqqqqaqaaawqwawqaweeeqqqqqqqqewNumerical Reflection: 10waqawawqqqwaqweeeawdddeaqqeeeaawddaaNumerical Reflection: 10aqaweewaqaweeeeeawdddeaqqeeeqaqaaqaqwaNumerical Reflection: 3waqawNumerical Reflection: 50aqaeqeeeee

Code: Select all

//initial projectile wisp
    //check what the wisp hit
    Gemini Decomposition
    Classifier's Purification
    Vector Reflection Zero
    Classifier's Purification
    Equality Distillation
    //if it hits a block, break it and summon a cyclic wisp that drags the drop(s) back to the caster
        Gemini Decomposition
        Gemini Decomposition
        Numerical Reflection: 2
        //item entities to not grab
        Zone Distillation: Item
        Jester's Gambit
        Break Block
        Jester's Gambit
        Numerical Reflection: 2
        //should include whatever items the block dropped
        Zone Distillation: Item
        //list of only the block's drops
        Exclusionary Distillation
        //cyclic wisp
            //check if wisp is greater than one block from player. if so, navigate to player. if not, use large impulse on wisp to consume all media.
            Gemini Decomposition
            Compass' Purification
            Mind's Reflection
            Compass' Purification
            Subtractive Distillation
            Length Purification
            Numerical Reflection: 0.25
            Maximus Distillation
                Mind's Reflection
                Compass' Purification
                Pathfinder's Gambit
                Vector Reflection +Y
                Numerical Reflection: 10
                Multiplicative Distillation
            Augur's Exaltation
            Hermes' Gambit
            //thoth list to pull items to wisp
                Gemini Decomposition 
                Compass' Purification
                Rotation Gambit
                Compass' Purification
                Jester's Gambit
                Subtractive Distillation
                Numerical Reflection: 6
                Division Distillation
                //placeholder iota to be replaced with the list of items to drag
                Bookkeeper's Gambit: -
            Flock's Disintegration
            //get rid of any entity references that have become null
            Nullary Reflection
            Speaker's Distillation
            Uniqueness Purification
            Numerical Reflection: 0
            Excisor's Distillation
            Thoth's Gambit
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
        Gemini Decomposition
        //insert the item list
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: -
        Flock's Disintegration
        Locator's Distillation
        Rotation Gambit
        Surgeon's Exaltation
        Jester's Gambit
        Compass' Purification
        Reservoir Reflection
        Numerical Reflection: 3
        Subtractive Distillation
        Summon Cyclic Wisp 
    //if it hits a mob, do a safe-explode and summon a cyclic wisp that just returns to the player
        Compass' Purification II
        Numerical Reflection: 5
        Gemini Gambit
        Break Block
        Create Water
        Numerical Reflection: 5
        Conjure Block
        Break Block
        //the cyclic wisp
            //same conditional navigate-or-self-destruct code as in the block break one
            Gemini Decomposition
            Compass' Purification
            Mind's Reflection
            Compass' Purification
            Subtractive Distillation
            Length Purification
            Numerical Reflection: 0.25
            Maximus Distillation
                Mind's Reflection
                Compass' Purification
                Pathfinder's Gambit
                Vector Reflection +Y
                Numerical Reflection: 10
                Multiplicative Distillation
            Augur's Exaltation
            Hermes' Gambit
        Jester's Gambit
        Compass' Purification
        Numerical Reflection: 10
        Summon Cyclic Wisp
    Augur's Exaltation
    Hermes' Gambit
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Mind's Reflection
Alidade's Purification
Numerical Reflection: 3
Multiplicative Distillation
Numerical Reflection: 50
Summon Projectile Wisp

Re: Hexarang

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:42 pm
by beholderface
Don't move *too* much while the wisp is coming back, or the wisp may end up releasing the item(s) before you actually pick them up.