Stronghold Finder
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:21 am
This is an update of an older hex from the archives to work on 1.19.2. Throw an ender eye, then run it with an empty focus in your offhand. Move to a new location and repeat with the same focus in your offhand to get the x and z coordinates of the nearest stronghold. The way that it works is by getting the x and z coordinates of the player and ender eye and computing the gradient and intercept of the line between the two on the XZ plane. If it's the first time the hex has been cast, the gradient and intercept are saved to the held focus. If it's the second time, the previous gradient and intercept are retrieved from the focus and the resulting linear system of equations is solved for the intersection of the two lines.
Code: Select all
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Numerical Reflection: 20
Prospector's Gambit
Prospector's Gambit
Numerical Reflection: 2
Flock's Gambit
Huginn's Gambit
Zone Distillation: Non-Animal
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Zone Distillation: Non-Monster
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Zone Distillation: Non-Item
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Zone Distillation: Non-Player
Muninn's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration
Zone Distillation: Non-Living
Intersection Distillation
Intersection Distillation
Intersection Distillation
Intersection Distillation
Numerical Reflection: 0
Selection Distillation // stack contains only Eye of Ender (confirmed works)
Compass' Purification
Vector Disintegration
Bookkeeper's Gambit: -v- // stack contains eye.x, eye.z
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Vector Disintegration
Bookkeeper's Gambit: -v- // stack contains eye.x, eye.z, player.x, player.z
Numerical Reflection: 2
Swindler's Gambit // stack contains eye.x, player.x, eye.z, player.z: bac
Subtractive Distillation
Rotation Gambit II
Subtractive Distillation // stack contains z_diff, x_diff
Division Distillation // stack contains m
Gemini Decomposition
Mind's Reflection
Compass' Purification
Vector Disintegration
Bookkeeper's Gambit: -v- // stack contains m, m, player.x, player.z
Rotation Gambit II
Multiplicative Distillation // stack contains m, player.z, m*player.x
Subtractive Distillation // stack contains m, c (confirmed works)
Scribe's Reflection
Nullary Reflection
Inequality Distillation
{ // if offhand isn't empty
Scribe's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration // stack contains m0, c0, m1, c1
Numerical Reflection: 12
Swindler's Gambit // stack contains m1, m0, c0, c1: bdca
Subtractive Distillation
Rotation Gambit II
Subtractive Distillation
Division Distillation // stack contains x
Gemini Decomposition
Scribe's Reflection
Flock's Disintegration // stack contains x, x, m1, c1
Rotation Gambit II
Multiplicative Distillation
Additive Distillation // stack contains x, z
Numerical Reflection: 0
Jester's Gambit
Vector Exaltation
Reveal // print (x, 0, z)
Scribe's Gambit
{ // if offhand is empty
Numerical Reflection: 2
Flock's Gambit
Scribe's Gambit
Augur's Exaltation
Hermes' Gambit