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Mathematician's Raycast

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:38 am
by Math321
Mathematician's Raycast (23 patterrns, 0 meta-evals used):

This code can completely replace any code that'd normally do a standard Archer's + Architect's raycast. It saves you a little media sometimes, in exchange for needing 23 patterns instead of 9 or 11. A worthwhile trade, though, assuming you usually copy this code from a focus or something so you don't have to draw this manually every single time.

First, the code does an Archer's Distillation.
- If the Archer's succeeds, the code also does an Architect's Distillation, and adds them together.
- If the Archer's fails, the code skips doing the Architect's Distillation (to save the little bit of media that the Architect's would normally cost), and simply returns NULL.

That's not a hard task to pull off on its own, but you know what was hard? Figuring out how to do it with ZERO meta-evaluations, by taking advantage of the fact that Hermes-ing individual pattern iotas doesn't count towards the limit. Doing that required very carefully arranging the stack with Swindler's Gambit and making sure both sets of patterns would alter the stack in similar ways. (That... was hard to figure out.)

qaq aa qaq wa
aadadaaw wqaawdd aadaa aw
qqq weddwaa waaw eee
qqq Bookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1 Bookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1 eee
awdd qwaeawq Numerical Reflection: 108 qaawdde
deaqq aaeaa deaqq

Mind's Reflection, Compass Purification, Mind's Reflection, Alidade's Purification

Dioscuri Gambit, Archer's Distillation, Gemini Decomposition, Augur's Purification

Introspection, Architect's Distillation, Additive Distillation, Retrospection

Introspection, Bookkeeper's Gambit: v, Bookkeeper's Gambit: v, Retrospection

Augur's Exaltation, Flock's Disintegration, Numerical Reflection: 108, Swindler's Gambit (edcba -> acedb)

Hermes' Gambit, Rotation Gambit, Hermes' Gambit

Closer look at Numerical Reflection: 108