C!J's Smite

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Fictional C!J
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:31 am

C!J's Smite

Post by Fictional C!J »

This probably isn't the first time that someone has done this but I'm making it anyway lol

  • Must have flight spell
  • Summon lightning is preferred but not necessary as it is mostly to be dramatic (and to cover up how the spell works in servers where the caster is the only one who knows hex)
  • Foci or spellbooks are preferred to help make spell easier to craft but again not technically necessary
object i'm sorry in advanced for using consideration embeds but i prefer them

Code: Select all

	Mind's Reflection
	Consideration //used to embed next iota into spell
	Mind's Reflection //not directly casted, this one is an embedded iota of the person who casts the spell
	Equality Distillation
	Introspection {
		Mind's Reflection
		Compass' Purification
		Mind's Reflection
		Alidade's Purification
		Scout's Distillation
	Introspection {
		Mind's Reflection
	Augur's Exaltation //used to target the caster if the casting object is used by someone else >:)
	Hermes' Gambit
	Gemini Decomposition
	Gemini Decomposition
	Number Reflection: 0
	Number Reflection: 0
	Flight //used for the instakill effect. if 0 doesn't work then i will adapt the previous numbers to 1
	Vector Reflection -Y
	Number Reflection: 0.75
	Multiplicative Distillation
	Impulse //used to try and mask the flight spell's launching upwards, may be removed if it impedes the instakill effect
	Compass' Purification
	Summon Lightning //used to try and mask the fact that the flight spell is used for the instakill, also used for dramatic effect
qqqMind's ReflectionqqqawMind's ReflectionEquality Distillation
qqqMind's ReflectionCompass' PurificationMind's ReflectionAlidade's PurificationScout's Distillationeee
qqqMind's Reflectioneee
Augur's ExaltationHermes' GambitGemini DecompositionGemini DecompositionNumerical Reflection: 0Numerical Reflection: 0AltioraVector Reflection -YNumerical Reflection: 0.75Multiplicative Dstl.ImpulseCompass' PurificationSummon Lightning

note: as of posting this the code is untested so apologies if this doesn't work or backfires