.obj Renderer
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:35 pm
A functional .obj renderer in hexcasting and python!
First, convert your obj using this python script, and then open the resulting .hxcm file in notepad.
Second, copy everything, go into a command block, write in "/give @p hexcasting:focus{data:", then paste from your clipboard, and then close the curly bracket.
Third, copy the following patterns into another focus;
Finally, Scribe's Reflection the first focus, then the second, then use Hermes' Gambit.
First, convert your obj using this python script, and then open the resulting .hxcm file in notepad.
Second, copy everything, go into a command block, write in "/give @p hexcasting:focus{data:", then paste from your clipboard, and then close the curly bracket.
Third, copy the following patterns into another focus;
Code: Select all
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