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[object Object]
Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:37 am


Post by [object Object] »

This is a Hex Casting implementation of the OVERTURE architecture/microprocessor from the game Turing Complete. Credit to Math321 for the idea. It should be fully accurate to the game, though I haven't done much testing, so there may well be bugs.

The emulator runs on a wisp, so it has a clock speed of 20 Hz. It stores the program counter and registers in the ravenmind, and loads the program from a focus next to the wisp. Data can be written to the input register by sending a number to the wisp along a link, and data written to the output register by the program is sent back along the link. The instruction implementations are stored in an akashic library at the world origin for better modularity.

Video demo

The above video runs the following program:

Code: Select all

; copy input to R1

; add 1 to R1

; copy result to output

; infinite loop to end program
The patterns and a rudimentary assembler (which generates a command to give yourself a focus containing the program) are both available on GitHub.