Long steps

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Long steps

Post by stevebutnottoomany »

Long steps, formally a stride between the heights of mountains, is an item spill-less teleportation method for line of site teleportation (though the technique behind it can be easily adapted for other use cases).
It requires Hexal for wisps and gates, and Hex Gloop for sentinel beds.
The technique is to walk a greater sentinel to the player's raycast, greater teleport an armour stand out of the sentinel bed to the destination, lazy-load the destination with a raycasting wisp (to load the armour stand), gate the player to the armour stand, and return the armour stand to the sentinel bed.
qqqqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1Bookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 2Bookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 3eeeqwaeawqaawddqaqqaqeedeqaqNumerical Reflection: 1Numerical Reflection: 4wdedwqqqqqawwawawdaadaaaaqaqaaqaqwawqaawddewqaawddqqqqqewNumerical Reflection: 1.25waqawwaawqaqwawddwaawddwddwwwwqqqwwwqqeqqwwwqqwqqdqqqqqdqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1qqqwaeawaedeeeeeeqwwqaawddqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 4eeeqwaeawqwaeawaedeNumerical Reflection: 5waweeeeewawqqaeaaedaqqqaqqqqqNumerical Reflection: 2deeedqqqwwqqqwqqawdedwaqqqqqNumerical Reflection: 1deeedaadaaaqqqqqNumerical Reflection: 3deeedqaqeedeqqqwwqqqwqqawdedweeeqqaeaaeawdddeaqqeeeqaqaaNumerical Reflection: 8aqaweewaqaweeeee

Code: Select all

        Bookkeeper's Gambit: -//return gate
        Bookkeeper's Gambit: --//armour stand gate
        Bookkeeper's Gambit: ---//armour stand
    Flock's Disintegration
    Mind's Reflection
    Gate's Opening

    Mind's Reflection
    Numerical Reflection: 1
    Numerical Reflection: 4
    Division Distillation
    Blue Sun's Nadir

    Gemini Decomposition
    Compass' Purification
    Mind's Reflection
    Compass' Purification
    Mind's Reflection
    Alidade's Purification
    //Macro - sentinel_raycast
    Vector Reflection +Y
    Numerical Reflection: 1.25
    Multiplicative Distillation
    Additive Distillation
    Mind's Reflection
    Alidade's Purification
    Subtractive Distillation
    Jester's Gambit
    Subtractive Distillation
    Greater Teleport
    Bookkeeper's Gambit: v
        Locate Sentinel
        Vector Reflection -Y
        Archer's Distillation
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: ----//Type - armour stand
        Flock's Disintegration
        Locate Sentinel
        Numerical Reflection: 5
        Zone Exaltation: Type
        Vacant Reflection
        Inequality Distillation
            Scribe's Reflection
            Numerical Reflection: 2
            Selection Distillation
            Gate's Closing
            Scribe's Reflection
            Numerical Reflection: 1
            Selection Distillation
            Gemini Decomposition
            Scribe's Reflection
            Numerical Reflection: 3
            Selection Distillation
            Gate's Opening
            Gate's Closing
        Vacant Reflection
        Augur's Exaltation
        Hermes' Gambit
    Mind's Reflection
    Compass' Purification
    Numerical Reflection: 8
    Summon Cyclic Wisp
The sentinel raycast macro performs a raycast beyond range limits using sentinel walking, and is as follows:
qqqaawddwaeawaeqqqwqwqqwqqqqaadaaNumerical Reflection: 2aadawaeawaedeaadaaaaeaawqaawddaadaadadqqqaadadaawwddwwqaqwNumerical Reflection: 15.5eqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1, Keep 1aqdeeeeeaawddNumerical Reflection: 1Numerical Reflection: 0awdddeeeddeaqqNumerical Reflection: 3aadaNumerical Reflection: 15.5waqawwddwBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 2, Keep 1qqaeaaeaadaaaaeaadeeeqqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Keep 1eeeNumerical Reflection: 2ewdqdweaawddNumerical Reflection: 1Numerical Reflection: 0awdddeeeddeaqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 1Numerical Reflection: 3aadaNumerical Reflection: 15.5waqawwaawwaeawaeqqqwqwqqwqdeaqqeeeaadaadeaqqBookkeeper's Gambit: Drop 2waeawaedeeee

Code: Select all

    //stack starts with position, direction
    Jester's Gambit
    Summon Greater Sentinel 
        Gemini Decomposition    
        Numerical Reflection: 2
        Fisherman's Gambit II

        Locate Sentinel
        Gemini Decomposition 
        Rotation Gambit      
        Archer's Distillation  
        Gemini Decomposition   
        Nullary Reflection     
        Equality Distillation  
            Dioscuri Gambit             
            Subtractive Distillation
            Length Purification
            Numerical Reflection: 15.5
            Maximus Distillation   
                Bookkeeper's Gambit: v-
                Charon's Gambit
            Jester's Gambit
            Numerical Reflection: 1
            Numerical Reflection: 0
            Augur's Exaltation
            Selection Distillation
            Hermes' Gambit
            Numerical Reflection: 3
            Fisherman's Gambit II           
            Numerical Reflection: 15.5
            Multiplicative Distillation
            Subtractive Distillation        
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: vv-
            Vacant Reflection
            Gemini Decomposition
            Rotation Gambit                 
            Nullary Reflection
            Bookkeeper's Gambit: -     
        Numerical Reflection: 2
        Flock's Gambit
        Jester's Gambit
        Numerical Reflection: 1
        Numerical Reflection: 0
        Augur's Exaltation
        Selection Distillation
        Hermes' Gambit
        Bookkeeper's Gambit: v

        Numerical Reflection: 3
        Fisherman's Gambit II
        Numerical Reflection: 15.5
        Multiplicative Distillation
        Additive Distillation
        Summon Greater Sentinel
        Hermes' Gambit
    Gemini Decomposition
    Hermes' Gambit
    Bookkeeper's Gambit: vv
    Locate Sentinel
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Re: Long steps

Post by Robotgiggle »

This is really interesting! I spent a good while on HexxyCraft trying to figure out how to make an entity-anchored teleport that works into unloaded chunks, but I had no idea that raycasts provide a stronger chunkload than the built-in 5-tick load from teleporting an entity. It seems like, with a few modifications, you could very easily use this technique to make a dropless arbitrary GTP – just swap out the sentinel raycast with a walk-to-coordinates spell.

Given that it works to load the armor stand, I'd also say that whatever the raycast does is not a lazy-load, but rather a full entity-ticking chunkload. You could probably use this to make a wisp that keeps itself and its chunk loaded as long as it has media, which I'm sure has some very interesting applications.